How To Submit

  • Email your submission to creative [aht]
  • Make sure your submission is something we are looking for.  See Submissions for a complete list.
  • The Once A Week Rule: Anyone working with Vajra Enterprises in a for-pay project must check in with Vajra Enterprises at least once every week by email, post or phone. The message must state what, if any work, has been done on the project and what the prospects for work in the near future are. An example email: “Hi Brian, I didn’t get any work done on the project this week, I’m hoping to get a few pages written next week.”
  • Include the following submission agreement in your submission:

The purpose of this document is to allow Vajra Enterprises to review submissions from individuals without fear that doing so will make Vajra Enterprises vulnerable to intellectual property theft lawsuits if there are coincidental similarities between the submission and a Vajra Enterprises product.

I, the undersigned, am submitting materials to Vajra Enterprises to be considered for possible sale to Vajra Enterprises of the ideas contained therein or possible hiring of myself as a writer, editor or game designer.

I, the undersigned, certify that these materials are my intellectual property and that no other party holds a copyright, trademark or patent claim on them.

In exchange for such consideration, I, the undersigned, hereby agree to the following:

I indemnify Vajra Enterprises against any claims of infringement of copyright, trademark or patent that are based on a similarity between the materials I am submitting and a product that Vajra Enterprises subsequently created, with the following exception:

The indemnification is revoked only if a panel of 5 game-publishing industry experts, agreed upon by both myself and Vajra Enterprises, unanimously agrees, in good faith, that, in their opinion, there is a less than 1 in 100 chance that the similarities between my submission and the subsequent Vajra Enterprises product is because Vajra Enterprises independently created or would have independently created the product in absence of the submission.

In other words, I will not seek damages unless a panel says there is a less than 1% chance Vajra Enterprises could have come up with this idea independently.

If the panel is going to be compensated in any way, I will pay the full cost of the compensation. Both I and Vajra Enterprises will have 30 days to submit evidence to this panel. After the panel has made their decision in good faith, neither party has the right to ask for any reconsideration.

Contract law of the United States and Oregon shall apply. This agreement shall be deemed as being made in Oregon.


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