Image Scans
About the Project
In Brief: I sent out dozens of disposable cameras to street newspapers throughout the US and Canada. The newspapers took the cameras and gave them to their carriers. The carriers took pictures and dropped the cameras in the mail. I developed and scanned the pictures and created an on-line repository of photographs relating to homelessness that anyone can use free of charge. I also sent CDs of those photos to street newspapers. I printed up booklets with some of the best photos, which I sent to the photographers (via the street newspapers) as a reward.
Goals: To create a bank of public-domain images relating to homelessness that publishers can use free of charge. To give homeless people an outlet for self-expression.
Purposes: This was a not-for-profit project. This project brings together my interests in publishing, homeless issues, photography and the public domain (as well as the fact that I bought a bunch of disposable cameras for a low price and need to do something with them).