New Abandoned Review
Review: “This is a horror supplement that shows a real understanding of what horror is all about…”
Review: “This is a horror supplement that shows a real understanding of what horror is all about…”
“It’s interesting and well-written in its own right, and the setting feels particularly rich.” -Legion Magazine “It has character classes. It has levels. It has saving throws. It has overly long equipment lists. Does it need any of these things? No, no, no and a thousand times no.” “…quite, almost coldly, different…” –Games Gazette magazine “…like all strange … Read moreTibet Reviews
English Reviews “Desperate futures never looked so desperate” on “I would recommend it for those players and GMs who like their game on the edgy side of reality” on “..if you like dark future horror … this might be a good game for you.” on “..a new and different way of gaming Cyberpunk, focusing … Read moreFates Worse Than Death Reviews
Review: “Game masters will find a wealth of material in which to use and reuse.”
“…this is probably the single most horrifying game book I’ve ever read.” -drivethruRPG Dopiero po przeczytaniu całości podejmę decyzję, czy dam jej szansę.