Spanish Resources

In Dark Alleys: Una Visisn General Organic Rule Components Part 1: Creación del Personaje (pdf) Organic Rule Components Part 2: Mecánica Básica (pdf) Organic Rule Components Part 3: Atributos de Salud (pdf) Organic Rule Components Part 4: Drogas, Enfermedades y Venenos (pdf) Organic Rule Components Part 5: Combate (pdf) Organic Rule Components Part 6: Habilidades (pdf) Visión general de Fates Worse … Read moreSpanish Resources

Order Hoodoo Blues Now

Buy Hoodoo Blues as a Printed Book* (275 pages softbound) $32.95 +S&H from Lulu Press Buy Hoodoo Blues as a PDF Book $4.95 from Lulu Press: Buy Hoodoo Blues as a PDF Book $4.95 from DriveThruRPG: *Anyone who has purchased a printed copy of the book from any source can download a pdf copy here.

Hoodoo Blues

On plantations, slaves cobbled together a powerful system of magic, learning to gain luck, manipulate minds and even to kill using common objects. On lonely country crossroads, desperate people made bargains with the Devil for wealth, talent and power. On the shores of Louisiana Bayous, under overhangs of spanish moss, free Blacks met to practice … Read moreHoodoo Blues

Hoodoo Blues Reviews

“the game that just grabbed my throat until I tapped out admiration for it on my keyboard” by Flames Rising “…it’s been a long, long time since I’ve been this excited about a new RPG, and I recommend “Hoodoo Blues” with enthusiasm…”–DriveThruRPG “…the world promises to offer a very deep and serious roleplaying experience.” –DriveThruRPG

Hoodoo Blues Credits

Hoodoo Blues the Role Playing Game was written and designed by Carl Warner and Brian St.Claire-King Cover by Jason Juta Art by Michaël Brack, Nicole Cardiff, Anthony Carpenter, Liz Clarke, Ed Cox, Luis Guaragna and Jack Snider. Editorial Assistance by Carl Warner and Tiffany St.Claire-King Copyright © 2010 by Vajra Enterprises