Seeker the Role Playing Game

  They come from every walk of life. There are humble Christian monks, passionate artists, logical scientists, intense shamans and more. Some studied various philosophies and mystical systems for years before embarking on the path, others just woke up one morning and decided to make a change. They are young and old, rich and poor. … Read moreSeeker the Role Playing Game

Order Seeker

Buy Seeker as a Printed Book*  (188 pages softbound) $22.95 +S&H from Lulu Press Buy Seeker as a PDF Book $4.95 from DriveThruRPG: *Anyone who has purchased a printed copy of the book from any source can download a pdf copy here.

Seeker Credits

Seeker the Role Playing Game was written and designed by Brian St.Claire-King Cover by Jason Juta Art by Eric Williams, Gerasimos Kolokas and Mike Mumah Game Design Assistance by Nick Agrall Consultation by Allon Mureinik Copyright © 2012 by Vajra Enterprises

ORC: Why is it Crunchy?

Vajra games are not generic-genre games. Fates Worse Than Death is not “here’s a generic cyberpunk game where you can do anything you could in standard-cyberpunk-world.” It’s a very specific setting with very specific differences from standard cyberpunk. Now, I’m not trying to denigrate generic-cyberpunk, but if you’re trying to GM generic cyberpunk you don’t need me … Read moreORC: Why is it Crunchy?