In the world of In Dark Alleys, pleasant façades hide terrible secrets, and there is no more pleasant façade than that of the happiest amusement park in the world. Hiding behind the smiling faces, cotton candy, princesses, rides and fantastic décor, there are creatures that hunt us, people who experiment on us, powers-that-be who watch us, and alien worlds waiting to swallow us up.
This is a Dark Ride is a sourcebook detailing the world’s most famous amusement park as it exists in the In Dark Alleys setting. Included is in-depth info on the mundane park, various supernatural entities, NPCs and groups, guidelines for creating a park employee character and a complete adventure.
The second edition contains 9 pages of additional material, including a description of the Deserted City’s own amusement park, and an easier-to-read layout.
Anyone who buys the printed book, or who owns the first edition, can download the pdf for free here.
Printed Version: $17.50 – Fulfillment by Lulu*
PDF: $3.95 – Fullfillment by DriveThruRPG
*Look for Lulu coupons here.